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The Dead Giveaways That Someone Is An Only Child

Reddit user imlovegina asked: 'What is a dead giveaway that someone is an only child?'

A lot has been written about birth order among siblings and how it affects personality.

Not that everyone agrees on the effects.

Some say the oldest is the family rebel, while others say they're the ultimate conformist and rule follower.

Others assign those roles to the middle child.

But pretty much everyone agrees the youngest child is spoiled.

So does that mean an only child takes all those dynamics to form their personality?

The folks of Reddit sure has some thoughts on the matter.

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I've embraced the single life.

It's been a decade, so I really had no other choice.

And I can tell you there are plenty of pros to the situation.

When we're single, it seems like we're addicted to focusing on the cons.

But if you start by appreciating yourself more, the pros list grows.

Not watching rom-coms is a big one for me.

And, of course, having a plethora of pins and voodoo dolls of your loved ones and their partners.

I kid. A little.

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Being single is not a crime.

It can in fact be a super power.

Alone, with no one to hold you down.

But no matter how powerful, you still have to explain why you can't find a partner.

Like, why are you so emotionally deficient you can't find someone to care about you?

It's all a mess no matter the answer.

So let's hear from the singles best of the best.

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People Who Don't Want Kids Share The Real Reason Why
Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

Being a parent isn't for everybody.

That is a life lesson well learned.

Not everybody wants to have kids.

That maybe hard to believe, but the sooner we learn, the better.

If you want kids, please have them, just be sure and ready.

It's a hard journey.

Raising my dog has been stress enough.

Maybe if some of you hear why others don't want kids, you'll appreciate yours more.

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Married Couples Explain What They Wish Single Folks Knew About Relationships
Dylan Posso/Unsplash

Some people prefer being single. They don't have to answer to anybody, they can play by their own rules, and they can continue going about their day-to-day without accommodating the needs of a significant other.

But that status of perpetual independence can eventually hit a breaking point.

It makes one wonder while being single can be a convenience, are we meant to live alone forever?

Unfortunately, avidly seeking out a relationship is a hit or miss, so an individual's situation can be out of their control.

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