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A man sits on his couch, head in his hands
Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

While ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant, it can annoy the heck out of everyone around them.

Ignorance can come from both a lack of information or too much incorrect information.

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Every now and then, we fork over a rather large sum of money to buy something which we think will have a positive impact on our lives. This could be anything from a new home or car, an ice cream machine, or a super big flat-screen TV.

At the end of the day, we find ourselves justifying the purchase as money well spent, no matter how much damage the price tag inflicted on our bank account.

However, not all purchases which could have a hugely positive effect on your life require a loan or a second mortgage to buy.

Sometimes, something we find on sale or a discount store might prove to be the very thing we were missing all our lives.

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Things People Don't Realize Are Quite Addictive
Photo by Reza Mehrad on Unsplash

It's important to know that everything and anything can be addictive.

And we're not talking about the obvious ones you see depicted in films and movies.

You can be online too much to the point where it impacts your personal relationships.

You can exercise too much to chase those endorphins.

People can take anything to extremes.

We have to be careful.

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People Confess Which Simple Things Make Them The Happiest
Xavi Cabrera/Unsplash

India Arie sang "It's the little things and the joy they bring" twenty whole years ago (go ahead and take a moment to process that. We OLD, fam!) and the lyrics to that undeniable bop are still just as relevant as ever.

Except maybe the lines about phone calls - nobody calls anyone now. We have voice notes and messaging apps for that, India.

The last time I used my phone as a phone I had to actually search for the icon to make that outgoing call. Grumbled about how it could have been a voice note the whole time.

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I grew up poor, and I remember the little things that made me smile when we just happened to have enough that week.

The little things that a truly rich person would not think twice about.

Ah, the luxury of it.

What spells luxury for you?

Redditor ConAir161057 wanted to compare notes about the things in life that feel like items only money can buy. They asked:

"For people who grew up with little money, what always felt like a luxury?"
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