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Every time we wake up... it's a MIRACLE!!

Nothing is promised.

Not one day.

Not one breath.

The hazards are everywhere.

There are foods we shouldn't eat.

People we should avoid.

And health regimes we may really need to try.

Life is booby-trapped.

It's time to make a survivor's how to list.

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There has got to be a way to save the world.

We are on a collision course to destruction, y'all.

But we can change that. We can fix this mess.

If we really want to.

When you break it down, the answers are staring us in the face.

Let's start with denouncing greed.

Greed is bad.

Spread the wealth and continue...

Redditor P4intsplatter wanted everyone to listen up and start being smarter, because it's actually easy. They asked:

"What simple rule would fix the world, if everyone actually followed it?"
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Sometimes, it's not that complicated.

Sometimes, you wish the whole world would just take a second and chill out and really just look at something in its barest essence.

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People Break Down Which Tasks Are Not As Simple As People Think They Are
Luke van Zyl/Unsplash

Life isn't as simple as one may think. It's not always easy to take a step back and look at the big picture, but when there's over seven billion people on the planet, there's no way things are as cut and dry as they seem.

Everyone's experiences are different going through life. We may not be able to see the complexities it if we haven't lived it ourselves.

So we went to Reddit because we wanted to see what's not as simple as people think it is.

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People Explain Which Ideas Seem Complicated But Are Actually Dead Simple
Image by silviarita from Pixabay

We tend to overthink things when we are presented with a problem.

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