simple tasks

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Person cleaning their home
Photo by Anton on Unsplash

As humans, it's impossible for us to know everything, including the most efficient ways to do things.

But while we may know that, it's still frustrating when we discover there may have been an easier way to do something all along.

Even on TikTok, one of the top trends features users who discover a simpler, more efficient way to do something in their thirties or forties, before they robustly claim that they "learn more on TikTok than they ever did in school."

Fortunately for those who may not use the app, Redditors were ready to share their favorite finds in the thread.

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People Break Down Which Things They Genuinely Do Not Understand

Life is a mystery full of mysteries.

Some we'll finally get, some will stay a conundrum forever.

Sometimes no matter how much we study or agonize over a piece of information, it just doesn't click.

But that's okay, we're all here to commiserate.

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We can't ace every quiz. Every once in awhile we're going to hit a wall.

The key is to try to not be so harsh to our psyche.

We all learn differently.

But give yourself a break if you can't master everything you try, even if other people find it easy.

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Sometimes you're just not meant to master something. Some people can't swim, others can't figure out Geometry -- WHY DO WE EVEN NEED GEOMETRY ANYWAY?! It's ok not be brilliant at everything. We all have our strengths and weaknesses... that is life. It does make any of us less special than the next person. Let's chat about it.

Redditor u/Stationerylover_ wanted to know who would admit that they finally hit a wall by asking.... What's something that you've never learned to do?

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