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Common 'Sexy' Things That Are A Turn-Off For Some Folks

"Reddit user aloe_veracity asked: 'What common 'sexy' thing is a turn-off for you personally?'"

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

That has always been one of my favorite life sayings.

Whether it's true or not is all subjective.

Maybe it's a truth.

Maybe it's a lie unfortunate people sell themselves.

And at some point in life, we're ALL unfortunate, here and there, now and again.

What is sexy to some is a stomach-turner to others.

Who hasn't been out with friends hunting for love interests and then been left shooketh by certain people's choices?

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A man sits on his couch, head in his hands
Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

While ignorance may be bliss for the ignorant, it can annoy the heck out of everyone around them.

Ignorance can come from both a lack of information or too much incorrect information.

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Every time we wake up... it's a MIRACLE!!

Nothing is promised.

Not one day.

Not one breath.

The hazards are everywhere.

There are foods we shouldn't eat.

People we should avoid.

And health regimes we may really need to try.

Life is booby-trapped.

It's time to make a survivor's how to list.

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A young man looks a bit perplexed
Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

We gotta do what we gotta do.

That is a serious life mantra.

Staying alive is not an easy task.

Sometimes we save ourselves without every realizing we're doing it.

The small, inconsequential actions we complete every hour, have the power to keep us all going.

WHo knew?

LIfe is so frgaile.

Thankfully our subconscious is looking out.

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Staying on top of your finances is extremely important, no matter what your yearly income is.

Not only so you don't find yourself worrying about money, but also for your mental health and well-being.

This is why it's important to not only keep good track of your bills and expenses but also look for ways to cut corners and save money when possible.

Allowing you to go to bed each night not having to worry about whether or not you'll be able to afford groceries this week.

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