side jobs

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In this day and age, it's not uncommon for people to have a side gig -- an extra job as a way to make more money -- aside from their regular 9 to 5.

It's also not super uncommon for some of these people to find that their side gig can -- and sometimes does -- pay them more than their 9 to 5.

My best friend is a brilliant journalist by trade, but he makes way more money by freelance editing than he does as at the paper he writes for. Freelance editing is a side gig, however. He doesn't do it all the time, and yet makes enough to pay his monthly rent just by doing one freelance job!

Redditors have discovered other side gigs that pay them more than their regular 9 to 5, and are ready to share their experidnces.

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People Share The Best Ways To Generate Passive Income
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Money makes the world go round. And I need to spin until I'm ill. That's how much extra coin I need. I'm always on the look out to make a side hustle lucrative.

Many people have realized that most careers aren't supplying enough financially. So we all have to get creative.

It's expensive to live. And it's near financially impossible to live comfortably. Teachers drive Ubers. Writers work as waiters. Lawyers moonlight as mystery writers. Everybody has a hustle. The key is to find a side hustle that isn't going to be an extra burden.

The main job is always already hard enough.

Redditoru/Kenneth0233 wanted to hear some ideas about upping the amounts in our bank accounts, by asking:

Smart people of reddit, whats your best ideas for passive income?
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