shortening life expectancy

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People Explain Which Activities Not Everyone Realizes Actually Will Shorten Life Expectancy
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Death is inevitable. It's a truth we're always trying to outrun. Yet we do so many things to speed up the process.

Everyday we are helping ourselves to an early grave. And there are so many ways to avoid that trip. People are telling us all of the time how we can be healthier and better. There are literally books and blogs about ways to keep on keeping on.

So why don't we try and follow some of these ideas. And maybe we should begin trying to pinpoint were we are off and how we could try and avoid that which is poisoning us. Like carbs, well too many carbs, at least for me.

Redditor u/Babynouilwanted everyone to listen up, to make sure we live as long as possible, by asking:

What's something a lot of people do, but don't realise it's shrinking their life expectancy ?
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