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Industries That Are A Lot Shadier Than They Seem
Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash

There are a number of industries which, owing to business practices and perception in the media, are commonly associated as being evil.

These include nuclear power, big pharma, and healthcare, at least in the United States, while some retail services such as Amazon are notorious for the poor working conditions in their factories.

However, are any industries or businesses wholly without sin?

We might find ourselves surprised what goes on behind closed doors of industries we've come to trust as ethical and without fault.

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People Share The Most Effective Psychological Tricks They Use To Get By

It puts the lotion in the basket....

Mind games. Life's survival is based on the best of the best of mind games. Sometimes you just gotta get someone to do what you need, like diffuse a dangerous situation. Is it always right or morally ethical? NO. But please, let he is without sin cast the first stone. A little trickery goes a long way... often for good.

Redditor u/PM_ME_UR_PUPPYDOGS wanted us all to fess to some shady yet clever mind games we've all played.... What is the most effective psychological "trick" you use?

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I am an absolute out-and-proud Daddy's girl. My dad and I share the same ridiculous sense of humor. He was only 19 when I came along, so he has often been more of a friend than a true "dad." We have spent decades tormenting my poor mother with poorly sung renditions of Bon Jovi songs, and when things in life go sideways a hug from my Dad is everything I need to feel okay again. One of my favorite things about my dad is how absolutely stereotypically Dad-ish he has gotten now that he's older.

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