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People Reveal How They Figured Out Their Sexual Orientation

Reddit user jacklawd asked: 'How did you conclude that your sexual orientation is what it is?'

A "Love is Love" wall mural
Yoav Hornung/Unsplash

When it comes to defining our sexuality, we all have our different journeys.

For some, it's not about arriving at a destination. It's about a constantly evolving state of being and the individual they find along the road to self-discovery and love that dictates who they are in the moment.

Nothing is ever set in stone.

And for others, it's about an innate conviction that informs their sexual identity, even at a premature age prior to having any sexual experiences.

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People Confess Which Everyday Things Have A Surprisingly Twisted Origin Story
Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

It's stuff like this which gives birth to the phrase, "This is why we can't have nice things."

Of course, you could always look past the unfortunate history almost every item possesses.

After all, it's not your fault the shoes you might be wearing were invented by Nazis or the car you're about to get into was developed by Nazis or the dealership you drive by was once run by a Japanese company who associated with the Nazis.

Manufacturing has a long, complex history.

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According to research, couples who have sex at least once a week are happier than those who don't. However, this doesn't mean that you should feel pressured to have sex, especially if you're not feeling it or don't want to.

There is an ebb and flow to sexual activity whether you're married or not. Experts generally agree that if you're happy with the number of times you have sex in your marriage, that's the right amount of sex for you.

Sex can be a very touchy subject – luckily, these people are here to lift away the veil. They shared their experiences after Redditor DavidDavis1 asked the online community,

"Married couples, how frequently do you have sex with your partner?"
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People Share Their Best 'Oh Wait, I Might Not Be Straight' Experiences
Image by Florin Radu from Pixabay

Every person, no matter what age has that Oprah "Ah-ha" moment when it comes to the realization about sexual identity. Yes, nowadays, thankfully, it's a more accepting, inclusive world, at least more accepting than it used to be but progress has been made. But before one comes out to the world one must have a self reckoning. And those experiences can often be the most surprising. There is always a moment you can point to and say... "that was when I knew." And those moments can be chill or chuck full of drama.

Redditor u/UnsettlingAura wanted to see who would be willing to admit and discuss the moment they realized.... maybe it's time to explore some alternate ideas by asking.... What was your "oh crap I might not be straight" moment?
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There's this pervasive idea in a lot of people's minds that being straight is just the "default" sexual preference. That isn't the case, though.

We often hear about the moment people realized they were gay, but we almost never talk about people who have those moments of realization that they're straight.

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