sex ed

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Oh the penis, what a strange little appendage.

It is the source of so much joy and so much drama.

And there is so much to know about it.

Penis knowledge often feels neglected.

Are you curious? Let's discuss...

Redditor Helpful_Jellyfish_69 wanted the men out there to speak about and shed some light on anatomy. They asked:

"Men of Reddit, what should women know about the penis?"
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Sex-Ed Teachers Share The Craziest Questions They've Ever Been Asked
Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Sex is never an easy topic to broach. Even when you're in a relationship. So one can only imagine what it's like to discuss the birds and the bees with teenagers or youth in general. That discussion can be just as excruciating as chatting about it with granny. But kids have to be educated and boy do they have thoughts on the matter. Better to learn through class than online though.

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People Divulge The Weirdest Myths They Believed About Sex As A Kid
Image by Olya Adamovich from Pixabay

A recent Reddit thread will leave you counting your blessings that sex doesn't actually go down like a bunch of misinformed, puberty-stricken kids think.

Good God that would be horrifying.

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People Break Down What They Wish They'd Learned About Sex In School

We could seriously title this article: "PEE AFTER SEX... and other things you need to know."

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Sexual education classes, particularly in conservative areas, are notoriously terrible. In fact, in some states in the US it's perfectly legal and accepted for the teachers and curriculum to outright lie to students.

Typically speaking, the grounds for the deception is that teaching fact-based sexual education would encourage students, typically teens, to engage in "immoral" acts of sexuality. The unfortunate outcome is swaths of people with far less sexual knowledge than they need to keep themselves and their partners safe, healthy and happy.

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