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People Divulge Which Addictions Nobody Takes Seriously Enough
Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

When we hear the words "addict" or "addiction", our mind usually jumps to drugs and alcohol.

But addictive behavior transcends those common vices.

Indeed, people can find themselves becoming addicted to just about anything.

While some pose a less significant threat to one's physical health, they remain no less serious a problem.

Redditor Windsorbear97 was curious to hear which addictions the Reddit community felt weren't given enough attention of concern, leading them to ask:

'What is an addiction that nobody takes seriously?"
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People Break Down Mens' Issues That Are Often Overlooked

Despite the toxic stereotype of an unfeeling, “tough guy" persona, men face feelings of loneliness, depression, and other serious issues as well. Unfortunately, not enough people are willing to discuss these sensitive topics as society has put so much pressure on men to hold these things in.

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