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People Explain Which Things They Wish Hollywood Would Stop Doing
Photo by De'Andre Bush on Unsplash

Hollywood really has made a mess of entertainment and storytelling.

And it doesn't have to be that way.

There are so many people with new, fresh ideas, yet they choose to keep redoing the same old. concepts.

The people want more and better and it is possible

Nobody needs 167 sequels done poorly!

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People List The Movies That Were So Bad That They Actually Ended The Entire Franchise
Image by Alfred Derks from Pixabay

I know a lot of people complain about the new Star Wars movies. And the prequels. And everything that isn't Empire Strikes Back. But one thing is for sure, that franchise will never go away.

Other franchises aren't so lucky. While one may have a good starter movie, as time goes on, they can decrease in quality. Here are a few of the worst ones.

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People Break Down The Worst Movie Sequels Of All Time
Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

When a movie rakes in a ton of cash at the box office, the studio that made it has only one thing on its mind: "How do we keep shaking this money tree?"

Unfortunately, that means they make sequels, sometimes sequels on sequels on sequels.

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