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A replica of Jaws mounted on a wall
Kelsey K/Unsplash

When you can't get enough of one particular film and hope to revisit the characters you've fallen in love with in a sequel, be careful what you wish for.

Many sequels seldom live up to their predecessors and fans of the original find themselves disappointed after flocking to theaters to see them.

Franchises are money-making machines, however, and some fans are forgiving of them if they are remotely entertaining.

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People Explain Which Things They Wish Hollywood Would Stop Doing
Photo by De'Andre Bush on Unsplash

Hollywood really has made a mess of entertainment and storytelling.

And it doesn't have to be that way.

There are so many people with new, fresh ideas, yet they choose to keep redoing the same old. concepts.

The people want more and better and it is possible

Nobody needs 167 sequels done poorly!

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People Explain Which Sequels Are Actually Better Than The Original
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

Who doesn't love adding to a story?

We've all watched a film, a tv show, read a book or played a game that once it was over, our hearts sank.

We wanted more!

What happens next?

You never want great stories to end.

And sometimes, the continuation surpasses the original.

It's rare, but it happens.

And I will die on this hill.

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Sequels can be pretty divisive. While there have been some admittedly great sequels over the years (I'm looking at you, Sam Raimi, with your Evil Dead series), many do crash and burn.

Oftentimes, sequels have failed to maintain the same level of quality that made the originals such a success. When this happens, it leaves us feeling like sequels are little more than a cash grab. Let's have some original stories, okay?

But if there have to be sequels–any sequels–then people do have some ideas in mind.

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People Break Down Which Movie Sequels Are Actually Better Than The Original
Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay

Movies. Movies. MOVIES! Let's talk movies. Hollywood is notorious for milking good stories to death. If a film makes more than $5 every executive's next genius idea is to produce as many sequels as possible until the general public loses all interest.

And then they wonder what happened. They never seem to realize that if you're going to continue the story you have to have enough story to tell and you can't just throw money at all of it.

So most sequels tend to be crap and then blemish the legacy of the original. However, once and awhile, the stars align and a fantastic sequel is made.

And what is even more rare is a sequel superior to the original. It has happened. Let's discuss some.

Redditoru/Tall-Elderberry-3167wanted to share about some of film's greatest continued stories, by asking:

What movie sequel is actually better than the original?
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