second hand

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There are just some things we really need to buy fresh off the line.

I am all for frugal in most things.

Any way I can save money, I will do it.

But there are certain items where I'll just cave and do firsthand.

Borrowed clothes are one thing, because you can wash them.

Second hand cars... of course.

But more intimate things, it's a big no.

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Everything is expensive! This has always been true. There are ways to save a little money here and there, however.

You can buy things only if they are on sale. You can clip coupons or try and find certain items at different stores for less.

Another thing you can do to save money is to buy things second hand. Certain items, such as outerwear, home decor, exercise equipment, toys, books, and games among others can be purchased after being lightly used by others.

However, there are some items you should NEVER purchase secondhand, and Reddit is here to help us discover what those items are.

To get us started, Redditor ReverseFlash_94 asked:

"What should you never buy second hand?"
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Thrift stores abound with killer clothes that only exist in that one place, a strange amount of used electronics, and extremely cheap ways to outfit your entire kitchen with silverware, mugs, pots, and pans.

But the whole time you're there you feel a keen sense that most of the items around you have been neglected in an attic for the last two decades and dusted off very recently.

Usually, that's no big deal. But sometimes things that old and given away are given away for a reason.

u/NormalBlogTM asked, "Charity shop volunteers of Reddit, what's the worst/saddest thing your shop has been donated?"

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