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People Share Their Alien Abduction Experiences

"Reddit user Churbuddahbread asked: 'People of reddit who have been abducted by aliens. What’s your story?'"

A guy stands on a dock, he holds up a flashlight into the night sky, stargazing
Photo by Dino Reichmuth

Are we alone as a species in this vast universe?

Could there be life on other planets?

These are questions we've all wondered about.

And truth be told, we probably always will.

Some say they know aliens exist because they've been with them.

They've been taken and interviewed.

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Floating illuminated lightbulb
Rohan Makhecha/Unsplash

Thanks to many inquisitive researchers throughout our world's history, many of life's greatest phenomena have been solved and explained.

But even with the plethora of resources available at our fingertips detailing how things work or why they came to existence, some scientific facts remain baffling.

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water droplets on glass during daytime
Photo by Braňo on Unsplash

When it comes to scientific advancements, it's all about trial and error.

You form a hypothesis, test your hypothesis, and come to a conclusion.

Testing your hypothesis is known as an experiment. Sometimes, experiments are completely safe and ethical, like the tests Isaac Newton ran as he discovered the Laws of Motion. However, sometimes, the experiments were horrific. The subjects used were treated cruelly, and the effects lasted a lifetime, or even longer.

Science, in and of itself, is great, but sometimes, people have committed some horrible atrocities in the name of science that we just can't get behind.

One thing I learned is that I know a lot less about the way scientists went about their research than I thought I did. Luckily for me and the rest of the uninformed, Redditors are ready to share the atrocities people have done in the name of science.

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person designs life like computer character
Photo by Balázs Kétyi on Unsplash

Life constantly feels like we're in a state of flux.

How often do you stop and think... "Is this real?"

I frequently wonder if Skynet has taken over already.

I wish I could open the air in front of me and jump to another location.

My current locations stink.

Time for a reboot.

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AbsolutVision on Unsplash

What do we writers always say?

The truth is far stranger than fiction.

When we watch a movie there is constantly a scene where people are like... "THAT could never happen!"

Well it could and it has.

And there is more truths and facts throughout life just like fiction.

There is so much more to learn beyond science classes in school.

Wikipedia has educated us all.

Truth is truth.

So let's hear some facts that'll surprise us.

It's been so long.

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