school lessons

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By the time students get to high school, we think we understand our teachers pretty well. They all think their subject is the most important, they don’t care about our personal lives, and they think school work is law.

However, this is not completely true. Teachers have their own mischievous streak. They have their own methods to battle boredom. They have their own opinions on what kind of punishments to hand out to which student based on the student’s personality. And they don’t always agree with the school system.

While she would’ve never said it to her students, my health teacher wanted us to know it was stupid to wait until senior year to teach us sex education since most of us could’ve used that knowledge earlier in life.

There are a lot of things teachers wish their students knew, but can’t ever tell them in person.

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People Share The Dumbest Reason They Ever Got In Trouble In School
Photo by moren hsu on Unsplash

Do you have a memory from your school years that you can't forget about?

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Teachers are the first non-familial authority figures that we're introduced to.

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We were warned. Did we listen? Very few of us. They always tell you in life.... pay attention. Learn, because even the most tedious lessons will pay off one day. You just never know when. Who has the patience for "you never know when?" We need to learn patience first, clearly. Some of us stick out the tedium and we do discover that the long haul can be met with abundance. I'm still waiting on using Trigonometry though... that's just the devil's work.

Redditor u/sommai2555 wanted everyone to fess up so that the later generations know why it's important to play attention by asking.... What is something that you hated learning, but ultimately glad that you did?
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