scary stories

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Scared woman covering her face
Photo by Melanie Wasser on Unsplash

While we have not all witnessed something that will forever keep us up at night, we've all seen or heard something that was terrifying.

And it seems the scarier it was, the harder it becomes to forget.

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People Describe The Scariest Thing They've Ever Seen
Image by Franz W. from Pixabay

Life is an unrelenting obstacle course toward survival. The irony is that the end of the course is the end of life, so we're all going to end up dead anyway.

But we have to jump through hoops to stay alive and have a long course to run.

Thank the Lord sent spirits in bottles to help us through. When we're not traversing our own course, we're bearing witness to others.

Whether it be accidents or murderers, the plights of others can be haunting.

Redditor u/im_a_noob_lol wanted to hear about the things that have scarred the psyche of many by asking:

[serious] what is the scariest thing you have seen ever?
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Our memories are riddled with haunts. Haunts that can be impossible to get rid of. In fact, more often than not, the dark memories seem to linger the longest. They even haunt us when our minds trap us later in life. Because of these issues it can make life feel like the bad outweighs the good. This is why therapy is key. Our childhoods are riddled with moments that follow us. Nevermind the paranormal. It's time to sever the ties.

Redditor u/BabyAcid2001 wanted to hear about hauntings of the past people can't shake by asking... What is a creepy, unexplained childhood experience that you had?

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People Share Their Night Shift Horror Stories
Image by dayamay from Pixabay

Working overnights can take a toll on one's psyche. When you're predominantly spending you're only waking hours in the dark, life can get a little draining. Aside from that, the wee hours of the night also come with surprises. There is a reason that most horror movies take place after the sun has set, the night comes with some chills and spooks. And yes the kooks love to run amok under the moon. So working the night shift can leave you a bit shook now and again. Shook, like Stephen King shook.

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People Break Down The Scariest Experience They've Ever Had While Home Alone
Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

It's spooky season, which means--lights off, jack-o-lanterns, scary movies, candy corn...wait, is that a knock on my door?

Have you ever been terrified while at home alone, and convinced yourself you're hearing an intruder, or a scary animal? Have you ever been right? Our greatest fears are that we are isolated in our homes, alone, and something happens. Will we be equipped to deal with it?

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