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The Dumbest Things People Were Ever Scared Of As A Kid

Reddit user _Veron_ asked: 'What was the "dumbest" thing you were scared of as a kid?'

Little girl covering her face
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Hindsight is 20/20, but our ability to look back and realize that a situation wasn't as bad as it seemed won't lesson how hard that situation was in the moment.

This is also true for children and the irrational fears they are facing. Learning later on that those things are irrational will not change how scary those things were at the time, but it's fascinating to look back and see what we feared the most.

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People Break Down The Times They Thought They Might Actually Die But Didn't
Photo by Joy Real on Unsplash

Life is fleeting.

We face the end every second of the day.

We have no idea about the ticking time bombs in our bodies.

We have no clue what's around every corner we turn.

When face to face with death, the mind wonders.

Or maybe it finds peace.

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When it comes to sexual harassment, everybody needs to be on the same page.

The focus has predominantly (and rightfully so) been on educating men.

But the men of Reddit wanted to discuss some of their experiences that some people may not realize are harassment.

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Woman covering eyes with braid
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Franklin D. Roosevelt once famously said, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Words of encouragement to all Americans during his inaugural address, as America was in the midst of the great depression, with countless people having lost their jobs, their homes, and even their will to live.

While America did, indeed, bounce back, it hasn't stopped people from constantly living in fear.

Sadly, we're not talking about unfounded fears, such as ghosts or superstitions.

Unfortunately, there is plenty to be afraid of in this world, and horrifying evidence to prove it.

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When it's time to go... GO!

Our guts know when it's time time to exit.

Knowing how to run and save yourself is important.

That little voice in our minds always knows when something is up.

Don't deny it.

It's especially obvious when a murderer is chasing you, or someone is on fire running toward you.

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