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I have seen many a scary movie.

A horror movie done right can haunt you forever.

Have you seen "The Exorcist?"

Good Lord.

I don't know if I'm ready for the new sequel.

I love to be a little frightened by a movie.

But haunted for life is a different story.

Plus, I can't sleep with the lights on...

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In a black and white photo a woman walks alone on a desolate bridge, in the snow, holding an umbrella
Photo by Johannes Roth on Unsplash

Walking at night can be dangerous.

It's a shame because there is something so calming about being alone with your thoughts in the dark.

There is something about the silence that is comforting.

So many Law & Order:SVU episodes begin with some foolish person roaming the dark streets of NYC.

So let's talk about what we see in the dark.

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As many wonderful destinations there are to visit around the globe, there are plenty to be avoided.

Top of my list is anywhere with too much nature.

I'm not camping or white water rafting.

And you can keep that zipline madness for crazy people.

Also, why swim in shark-infested waters?

This is my list, but Reddit had a lot of other ideas to throw into the mix to nix.

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A guy in a Santa hat does a one armed hand stand with a mountain view behind him
Photo by Blake Weyland on Unsplash

Sometimes all we need is time.

Time to learn.

Time to heal.

Time to grow.

And time to appreciate the time.

That last one is the roughest, it can also be the longest.

Over all of this, we garner confidence.

But with just a touch of it, we can accomplish things we never thought possible.

Reddit provided us with a ton of hopeful stories.

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An image of sad toy Wall-E
Photo by Lenin Estrada on Unsplash

Movies mean a lot of things to a lot of people.

We'll never really predict how films can effect us.

But when it's a cartoon or supposed G rated flick, we think we're safe from sadness and trauma.


Ask anyone who has seen 'UP.'

Kid's films can be heartbreaking.

Some are even designed that way.

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