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Person counting cash
Niels Steeman/Unsplash

The world has become wrought with individuals who seek to bamboozle you into forking over your hard-earned money.

There have been so many cons throughout history that have evolved as people have gotten wise to them, but the scam artists were always one step ahead and improved upon their malicious schemes to continue being on the prowl for more gullible victims.

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People Break Down The Biggest Scams Of All-Time
Photo by regularguy.eth on Unsplash

It's become increasingly hard to get through a day without encountering a scam artist.

Be it an email where you've been told you won a non-existent prize, a fraudulent call from the IRS claiming there's a warrant issued for your arrest, or a neighborhood psychic, luring you in to tell you a terrible fate awaits you, but you have to pay hundreds of dollars more to find out what it is.

From snake oil salesmen to Ponzi schemes, scam artists have been around for ages, and will not be going anywhere any time soon.

And while our hearts break for anyone who falls victim to these horrendous acts of deception, there is also little that is more compelling than reading about some of the more outrageous scams which ever took place (Fyre Festival anyone).

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When it comes to selling, some people will use gimmicks to get people interested. Sometimes, these are fairly entertaining, like playing an intense commercial on TV only to be selling something not as intense, such as a camera.

Other times, these gimmicks are actually tricks, using enticing pricing, misleading wording, or even unclear graphics to convince people to buy something they may not even need.

People have, for the most part, wised up when it comes to these gimmicks, but everyone has that one trick they still fall for, and it never gets any less annoying when we do fall victim to them.

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People Break Down Which Things Are 100% A Scam
Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

We are inundated with lies every day.

Now in this era, our job is to call them out.

One simple truth?

Nothing is as good as it seems.

It's all a fake.

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People Break Down Which Scams No One Seems To Notice Have Become So Normalized
krisanapong detraphiphat/GettyImages

Nowadays, one must always be hyper-aware about the situations they get themselves into.

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