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Scrabble tiles that read "Live Life"
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Sometimes adulting is incredibly hard, especially when we're going through a trying time or are struggling with our health or mental health.

These pieces of advice may seem simple on the surface, but especially during the hard times, they could create a meaningful change for someone.

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People Break Down The Dumbest Thing Anyone Has Ever Seriously Said To Them
Photo by Diane Alkier on Unsplash

In grade school, a handful of us were discussing where some of our relatives lived outside of California.

When a classmate mentioned having relatives in New Mexico, an eavesdropper genuinely asked:

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People Explain Which Sayings They Grew Up With That Are Actually Unique To Their Family
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Well, that's the way the apple pie bakes. You know that saying, right? ...No? Okay I'll just leave now.

Every family has a set of idiosyncrasies that are related to them and only them. Included among that? Sayings.

What were some of your family's?

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-Sigh- Okay, time to educate ourselves.

It's 2019. Being offensive is 100% not okay. And yes, we get that sometimes it happens by accident, but we need to learn more about it so that it doesn't keep on happening. You dig?

Let's take a look at some of those offensive sayings now.

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