satanic panic

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5 Magic the Gathering land cards fanned out on a black background
Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash

The trend of calling anything misunderstood "Satanic" definitely isn't a new one, and the list of supposedly devilish things is quite extensive.

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People Describe The Stupidest Thing They've Seen A Religious Person Call 'Satanic'
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Religion is not that hard, people.

Attend whatever service you feel is right, take the lessons to learn how to better yourself, and then use those lessons to better yourself. That's it.

It's when religious people start policing the world that problems tend to arise. Satan isn't everywhere, regardless of what some of these people might think.

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People Share The Most Ridiculous Things Their Parents Ingrained In Them As A Kid
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Parents generally mean well, but sometimes the stuff they lead their kids to believe are more than a bit farfetched.

Whether it's passing on old wives tales they heard from their parents, or convenient lies to get kids to behave a certain way, you shouldn't believe everything your parents told you.

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