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Jobs That Pay Well For Absolutely No Reason

Reddit user FlintTheDad asked: 'What’s a job that pays extremely well for no reason?'

Person holding U.S. 100 dollar bills
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Though we may not like to think about it too much, we can all agree that living is getting more expensive by the week, and it's more important than ever to have a good, stable job.

But there are some jobs out there that have a questionable salary, though not in a bad way.

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People Explain What Career They'd Choose If A $400k Salary Was Guaranteed

Have you ever wondered what job people would pick if they knew they'd be financially stable?

Not rich; we're not talking "retire-in-luxury to Buenos Aires" level coin; just comfortable and with growth potential if you're smart about things.

If any job in the world put you at the precipice of stability - what would you *choose* to do?

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People Share The Best Low Effort Jobs With Surprisingly High Salaries
Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

Have you ever worked one of those jobs that just paid you to kinda sit there? If you have, you know the joy that comes with watching the entirety of Breaking Bad at the office while waiting for the phone to ring. It's pretty lit.

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People Who Make Over $150K A Year Break Down What They Do For A Living
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

The six figure salary is the crown jewel of professional aspirations.

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Job interviews are such a unique experience.

For a brief interval of time, we have to simultaneously try to impress someone with our qualifications, come off as casually pleasant, demonstrate passion for the role in question, and, somehow, be ourselves throughout that whole charade.

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