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caution sign
Photo by Muhammad Daudy on Unsplash

Some of us always err on the side of caution.

And as such, we will triple check dates of our travel or dinner reservations, take a picture of the stove before leaving the house, to ensure we didn't leave it off, or check in with our babysitters every half hour (or less!) to ensure that the kids are alright.

In most cases, we needn't have worried, as everything was fine, and was always going to be fine.

It was just our own, neurotic instincts getting the better of us.

In other cases, however, doing what seemed like a simple little dummy check may have been far more valuable than we would have thought, as it may have ended up being a life-saving measure.

Figuratively or literally.

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People Share Their Best 'You Know What, Just To Be Safe' Moments That Saved Them

When it comes to safety, some people are very "Better Safe Than Sorry" and others are entirely "Safety Third." Almost all of us, though, have had that moment where we did something we normally may not do just to be on the safe side.

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