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Woman whispering to another woman who is gasping
Ben White/Unsplash

Time and time again, people spreading lies about others for no reason has demonstrated the lack of humanity in our gossip-obsessed society.

People have nothing better to do other than to bring down others out of spite.

What's even more disappointing is that some of us have at one point played a part in perpetuating these rumors without even knowing it.

And other times, we are the subject of a rumor, and that's never fun.

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Rumors are usually not smart to begin with. Making up a story about someone and then spreading that juicy bit of gossip-people can only get so creative with lies.

Sometimes it's straight up so dumb that why bother to correct them? Surely anybody with half a brain could see through these.

And yet...

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People Reveal The Weirdest Rumor They've Heard About Themselves

Rumors are born from some basis of truth. If you kissed a girl back in middle school, the rumor mill would take that nugget of truth and transform it into a full-on marriage story, ending with both of you running away from home to live in a cottage by the sea. Clearly, something gets lost in the transition and they can spiral out of control if not kept in check.

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