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Things Parents Do That Unknowingly Screw Their Children Over

Reddit user RunningInAHurricane asked: 'What do a lot of parents do that unknowingly screws their children over?'

man and woman together with boy and girl looking at green trees during day

Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash

Parenting isn't a simple job.

The health, safety and well-being of another human being is on the line. Eventually that human will enter society with all the lessons or traumas of their childhood shaping them.

That's a lot of responsibility.

But even the most well-meaning parents can mess up.

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Certain house rules are commonly found in just about every household all over the world.

Pick up after yourself, no TV until you've finished your homework, and no dessert unless you've eaten your vegetables.

The sort of rules just about every parent enforced to ensure their children were disciplined, and their house remained tidy and orderly.

However, no two families are alike, and thus some of us likely grew up under a stricter set of rules and guidelines.

Rules which we thought might have been commonplace, only to discover our set of household rules were, in fact, unique.

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pink bicycle parked beside brown concrete wall with "no bicycles please" sign
Ian Barsby on Unsplash

All of us more than likely broke at least one rule while in school.

There were, of course, the class clowns and bullies who made an effort to break school rules, just for the sake of it.

But then there were those whose absolute worst nightmare was getting in trouble, who still found themselves breaking one or more rules.

However, they more than likely broke these rules without even realizing it, as many schools have a long list or rules that students, and more than likely several teachers, might not even have been aware of.

For aside from the obvious rules, no running in the hall, no cheating, some school administrators might have gone above and beyond to ensure discipline in their schools.

Thus instituting rules ranging from understandable to utterly ludicrous.

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People Confess Which Seemingly 'Forbidden' Things They've Always Wanted To Do
Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

Humans can't help it, curiosity is in our DNA.

It's especially heightened when we're told no.

Or something we can't have or do is described as "taboo, forbidden, or just because it would break a rule."

Now I'm sweating just thinking about all the things I wanna try, just cuz.

I'm just gonna do it.

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People Break Down Which Things Are Ethical But Illegal
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

So much of this world makes no sense.

Don't you agree?

Why do some laws even exist?

How can doing good deeds land one in jail?

Yet actual criminals walk free.


Ah... The yin and yang of it all.

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