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The Things That One Person Ruined For Everyone Else

Reddit user KeanKho asked: 'What was ruined for everyone by one single person?'

Two penguins looking at each other.
Photo by Pam Ivey on Unsplash

There's an old saying which says "a team is only as strong as their weakest link."

However, if the team loses a game or competition, in most cases their loss can't be blamed solely on whomever that unlucky individual is.

As it's the team's job to work together and lift up their struggling teammates.

In other cases, however, one individual can be blamed for the misfortune or bad luck of one or more people.

As it was their poor judgment or bad decisions that put them and everyone else in the unfair, unfortunate situations they now find themselves in.

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More often than not, when we indulge in a television show, we accept the fact that not everything we're watching is 100% realistic.

Even outside the world of science fiction and fantasy, we acknowledge that certain conflicts resolve a bit easier than they likely would in real life ("you had me at hello"? seriously?), or that modern medicine hasn't evolved quite that much (Meredith Grey drowning and coming back to life anyone?)

However, there are certain tropes and clichés which are becoming increasingly commonplace in film and television which result in viewers finding themselves truly unable to suspend their disbelief.

Sometimes not even coming until the film's climax, leading viewers to think "surely they're not going to go there?"

Only to find themselves infuriatingly disappointed that yes, they did.

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People Break Down What Absolutely Ruins A Good Burger For Them
Photo by Peter Dawn on Unsplash

Most people love a good burger, and many, many American restaurants serve them, but not all burgers are created equal.

Super tall burgers that are hard to eat, way too much sauce (or only a tiny bit of sauce on the middle of the bun), soggy lettuce — there are lots of ways to ruin a burger.

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remote pointing at TV
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

At the end of a long day, there is nothing better than unwinding to a TV show.

Escaping from your stressful reality for an hour or so, to catch up on a longtime favorite, or tune in to the premiere of a new show everyone's been talking about.

That is, until your relaxation abruptly stops, when something happens on the show that makes you want to scream uncontrollably at your screen.

Be it a decision a character made, a plot point that came out of nowhere, or realizing the episode you are watching literally makes no sense (most recent season of Riverdale anyone?), there is little more infuriating that witnessing a show ruin itself in one swift blow.

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Person alone on the beach
Photo by - - on Unsplash

We've all made decisions we regret.

Thankfully, sometimes these decisions result in little to no consequences or can be easily fixed with some time and healing.

In other cases, one error in judgment might have permanent ramifications: causing an effective end to a friendship, irrevocably damaging your financial situation, or even resulting in permanent physical damage.

In some more serious cases, these mistakes might even result in someone's life coming to an end.

All heartbreaking scenarios which could have been easily avoided with a little more care and consideration.

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