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The Dumbest Things The TSA Has Given Passengers A Hard Time About

Reddit user B2utyyo asked: 'What's the stupidest reasons the TSA gave you a hard time?'

airport check-in

Phil Mosley on Unsplash

The United States Department of Homeland Security was created November 25, 2002 in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Some existing agencies were transferred to the jurisdiction of the newly created cabinet post.

Among the agencies moved to Homeland Security were Customs and Border Protection, Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Secret Service and the United States Coast Guard.

Some agencies were created to address new security measures then placed under Homeland Security. Among the new agencies created post 9/11 was the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

TSA was created on November 19, 2001, to "improve airport security procedures and consolidate air travel security under a dedicated federal administrative law enforcement agency." TSA handles security for transportation systems within and connecting to the United States.

For most people, their interaction with TSA is at the airport. Those interactions aren't always pleasant for travelers.

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People Break Down The Dumbest Thing Someone's Ever Made Fun Of Them About

"Reddit user lionprincesslioness asked: 'What is the dumbest thing somebody has made fun of you for?'"

Black and white photo of a girl with a kick me sign, littered with expletives taped to her back
Photo by Ilayza

Kids can be cruel.

We tend to be taught way too late just how much gravity words carry.

And kids who taunt others turn into adults who taunt others or become vicious adult bullies.

Making fun of someone is never okay.

But some insults make little to no sense.

Some people will come up with ammunition to throw at others that is so off the wall that you have to laugh before you cry.

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A woman wearing orange glasses stands against a white wall with the pride rainbow painted on it and her white jacket

Men and women and talking and flirting.

What a disaster that can be.

It's especially tricky when men flirt with women who are into women.

It sounds like a lot of gents can't take that obvious hint.

How this is STILL an issue in 2023 is beyond us all.

But here we are.

Gentlemen, please sit and read the following.

And then read it again.

Then share with your friends and male family.

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Two hand painted wooden ducks cross beaks
Photo by Birger Strahl

One of life's greatest turn-ons is a person who knows how to flirt.

You throw in some charm. Some wit. Some sex appeal... and BAM. Instant love connection.

It's almost an art form.

Unfortunately, far too many people have missed this memo.

A good flirt should make one quiver, not shake in fear.

There is more than one way to ruin a flirty moment.

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young woman sitting on stairs
Photo by Leila de Haan on Unsplash

Insults are almost never necessary or called for, particularly directly to someone's face, in front of a whole crowd of people.

Even so, sometimes when a truly brutal insult is thrown at you, you can't help but appreciate it just a little bit.

Whether or not this was something this conversational bully came up with on the fly, or was waiting days, weeks, months or years to unleash on you, clever word choice is hard to ignore and not appreciate.

Including when the tables are turned, and you've come up with something wickedly clever, if not at all nice, to unfurl on someone you're conversing with.

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