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Incredibly Dangerous Things Everyone Assumes Are Safe

Reddit user Deviant55-11 asked: 'What’s really dangerous but everyone treats it like it’s safe?'

black and yellow poison sign

Mikael Seegen on Unsplash

There are things on Earth that are clearly dangerous: flash floods, wildfires, tornados, hurricanes, Australia...

But there are also things that people think are completely safe that can be deadly.

Sometimes it's because of the appearance of the dangerous thing. Humans tend to trust cute and cuddly looking fauna and beautiful flora.

Looks can be deceiving though.

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feet in sneakers and a skateboard
Pexels from Pixabay 

Being a teenager is a hot mess of a situation. I wouldn't do it again unless you paid me BIG BUCKS!

I did everything as wrong as possible, And then I grew up.

I still do a lot wrong. But I'm wiser.

Being a teen makes you take chances that can change life forever. Be careful.

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People Share Their Biggest 'Screw It, I'm Doing It' Moments

George Pimentel
/ Contributor via getty images

Life is waaay too short and it flies by waaaay too fast. So we have to stop impeding the moments in life that could bring us the best and most exciting. We're trained to play it safe and always step in line. Well... it's time to step and dance out of line! Just try. You'll see!

Redditor u/A-Classic-Blunder wanted everyone to regale us with their best risk taking life moments by asking.... What was your biggest "Screw it I'm doing this moment?"

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Part of life is taking risks, even really stupid ones. What's really important is learning from them - but let's be real, we usually don't.

MirkoPrime96 asked, What's the most dangerous risk you've taken in your life?

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People Who Took A Huge Risk In Life Reveal How It Paid Off

People don't always make the best decisions, and the impulsive ones can be some of the worst. Impulsive or risky decisions don't always lead to disaster, though.

Positive changes can also come from knowing that something is a risk and deciding to go for it anyway.

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