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People Break Down Which Villains Were Terrifying Because They Were Totally Right
Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash

Even though we always root for the hero in film, television and books, it's often the villain which lingers in our memory.

From Captain Hook to Regina George, it's hard not to admire their calculating, duplicitous ways, not to mention their often snazzy attire.

Interestingly, the villains who often terrify us the most are those that we find ourselves relating to in some capacity.

If it doesn't necessarily justify their actions, in the end, being aware of what led them to become what they are makes us all the more fascinated, and even more terrified of them.

Sometimes, we might even find ourselves flat out rooting for them... Is Miranda Priestley really the Devil in The Devil Wears Prada?

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The truth matters.

Something one would think was a given in modern society.

Yet all over the world, there are people so unbelievably stubborn, that they simply refuse to believe the facts.

Sometimes even when presented with evidence.

This could be for something menial, such as refusing to believe that a cotton candy was actually invented by a dentist.

But sometimes, refusing to believe the truth could have serious consequences, up to and including climate change, the effectiveness of masks, and the disproportionate amount of gun violence in the US.

Redditor Lady_Of_The_Water was curious about the many things, both frivolous and serious, people refused to believe were true, leading them to ask:

"Whats something someone thought you were wrong about and ridiculed you for it, but it turns out you were right?"
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People Break Down Which 'Crazy People' In History Were Right The Entire Time
Alex Hockett/Unsplash

"Crazy" is one of those red flag words that perks the ears.

If you're on a date with someone who mentions that all of their exes were "crazy" you mentally pin that because the only common denominator with all of those exes was the person you are now on a date with.

So if 100% of the exes are now "crazy" that math ain't mathin' in your favor...

If a government labels someone "crazy" ... well ... you're definitely gonna find out something shady when stuff gets declassified a few decades later.

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In a perfect world, facts would be important to everyone. We do not live in a perfect world. We live in a strange and reactionary place where facts can often be brushed aside as opinion or seen as offensive.

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People Share Their 'Why Are You Booing Me? I'm Right!' Stories

Look, being right is not going to make you popular all the time. It just isn't. If being right all the time was popular, we wouldn't have characters like Sheldon Cooper.

Rightness, aside from being pretty darn objective a lot of the time, isn't always well-received. Kindness, tact, timing and a whole lot of other variables factor in when it comes to whether that rightness gets you a standing ovation or glares and jeers.

Reddit user SlashFan18 asked:

What was your "Why are you booing me? I'm right" moment?
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