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Historical Events So Ridiculous They Sound Made Up

A Redditor asked: 'What’s an event in history that is so ridiculous it sounds fake?'

historical reenactors
Sigmund on Unsplash

We've probably all heard some variation of the saying "Truth is stranger than fiction."

Real life isn't just strange, it can also be downright ridiculous.

History is riddled with moments of absurdity.

So ridiculous that people have a hard time believing real life is, well, really real.

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The Things That One Person Ruined For Everyone Else

Reddit user KeanKho asked: 'What was ruined for everyone by one single person?'

Two penguins looking at each other.
Photo by Pam Ivey on Unsplash

There's an old saying which says "a team is only as strong as their weakest link."

However, if the team loses a game or competition, in most cases their loss can't be blamed solely on whomever that unlucky individual is.

As it's the team's job to work together and lift up their struggling teammates.

In other cases, however, one individual can be blamed for the misfortune or bad luck of one or more people.

As it was their poor judgment or bad decisions that put them and everyone else in the unfair, unfortunate situations they now find themselves in.

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Rules. Rules. Rules.

I get that we have to have rules and order.

Without all rules, we have anarchy and chaos.

But it feels like some schools just go overboard.

I mean, a principal is the head administrator, not a warden.

Especially when there are so many do's and donts that make absolutely so sense.

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Woman with her head in her hands behind a laptop comuputer.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

When on trial for a crime, no matter how great or small, you are still innocent until proven guilty.

Sadly, when it comes to your friends, family, or bosses you may not be presumed innocent and might find yourself scolded for a missing piece of clothing or technology, forgetting to close a window, or any number of menial, inconsequential things.

In spite of the fact that you, in fact, didn't do it and there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that you did.

Nonetheless, whether their judgement is clouded by frustration, or they were simply looking for a reason to scold and yell at you, you still might find yourself at their wrath.

Even if you can't help but giggle at what you're being accused of.

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Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

What's in a name?

When it comes to your first child, or any of your children for that matter, a lot.

It's easy for some, who come to a common agreement fairly instantly.

Of course, after they come to an agreement on what to name their child, they have no way of knowing how their family will feel.

These days, everyone has an opinion on a name.

Even the most traditional names, like Tom and John, Sarah and Lucy might get a yawn, for being too old-fashioned.

Though, when parents get too inventive, people's judgment grows even stronger.

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