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People Break Down Which Experiences Caused Them To Become Super Bitter
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash

Life is beautiful.

But life is really damn arduous.

Every day we're witness to the unfairness of it all.

That can cause some deep internal struggle.

And then that's why people change.

Sometimes for the worse.

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Targets Of Revenge Porn Share How It Affected Their Lives
Alison Courtney on Unsplash

There is nothing wrong with being filmed while naked.

But the rules have to be followed.

#1- Everyone must give consent.

#2- Private is private if anyone involved wants it kept private.

Pretty simple rules. And if those rules are broken? That's called... a FELONY.

In this day and age of hackers, thieves and internet access, it's just easier to skip filming.

Or find a way to buy VHS.

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People Divulge The Petty Annoyance They Wish They Could Inflict On Their Worst Enemy
Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

For some of us, there is that one person who is the antithesis of all that is good.

Whether they have wrong us in the past or continue to knowingly torment us, our instinct to give them a taste of their medicine begins to brew.
But we would never act out on our most devious inclinations to cause harm or violence on our enemy because that would place us at the same level as them.
What if we could get some sense of satisfaction by making their life, if only for a brief moment, a kind of hell for them?
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Divorced People Describe The Craziest Thing Their Ex Did After They Cut Ties
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Love is crazy. I've finally come to that conclusion. And marriage, you take your life in your hands and just throw caution to the wind in hopes of survival with that step.

When love falls apart, things can get real messy, real fast. And I've always been stunned by people's behavior when love subsides.

More often than not, it's like they become different people. Sometimes people are beset by tragedy and grief and sometimes people smile wide and move on. It's a coin toss.

But my favorite post-divorce personality has to be the sudden supervillain. Oh honey, watch out for them!

Redditor u/hyperyog wanted to hear all the tea from the divorcees out there by asking:

Divorced Redditors, what is the craziest thing you or your former spouse did after divorce?
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People Share The Most Entertaining Ways To Mess With Spam Callers
Image by GustavoWandalen from Pixabay

I loathe, detest, despise and hate telemarketers, scam, robocallers. Like, how is this a career? I know times are tough and everybody needs a job but I feel like some of them enjoy it. They know we hate them so they find their ways to get us. But we have to be prepared and find ways to strike back. Because ignoring and hanging up stops being useful after the thirtieth straight call.

Redditor u/ben8633 wanted everyone to share on the best ways to get back at these nuisance spam callers by asking... What is the most entertaining way to answer a scam phone call?
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