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Discontinued Menu Items That People Miss Most

Reddit user ienjoysuffering asked: 'What discontinued menu item from a restaurant do you miss the most?'

KFC menu items
Aleks Dorohovich/Unsplash

Restaurants, whether they are part of a major chain or a beloved local establishment, offer dishes that have become favorites by repeat customers.

But in order for some of them to thrive in a competitive dining industry, owners of your favorite places for dinner are constantly updating their menus to attract newer customers and to stay relevant in the culinary scene.

Unfortunately, the changes come at the cost of banishing your favorite entrees to the past.

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We all indulge in fast food from time to time.

Even if we know what we're eating isn't exactly healthy, sometimes the salty, fatty mass-produced food is the only thing we want.

Resulting in our making weekly, if not daily, visits to a nearby chain.

Then, of course, there are the chains that we make every effort to avoid.

We've likely tried places at least once simply because everyone is always talking about them.

But after having one bite, we have trouble seeing exactly what all the fuss was about and vow to never return.

Even if it might be the only option at a rest stop or even the only available food for miles, we instead opt to wait and be hungry.

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Like lots of kids growing up, I did love my candy and my sugar. Truth be told, I wasn't allowed to have as much as I would have liked, but that doesn't mean I didn't sneak some candies whenever I had the opportunity.

Now that I'm older though? My taste buds just aren't the same.

I can't stomach too much of anything super sweet and the idea of chowing down on candy and chocolate the way I see some kids do pretty much grosses me out.

My body thanks me, though!

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People Break Down The Worst Fast Food Chains
Ashley Green on Unsplash

Healthy, well-balanced fare it is not, but there's no denying people across the globe love fast food.

Not all chains come even close to living up to their own hype though.

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There's nothing quite like just going to sit down at a restaurant somewhere and enjoying a fine meal. It's one of life's pleasures. Who doesn't love good food? Or even better: Who doesn't love good food and good company?

Of course, the service can make or break your restaurant experience. As someone who used to work in food service, I can tell you that waiters and waitresses work very hard for their money. But not all are great and not all restaurants out there are particularly well managed.

People shared their stories with us after Redditor dragonboltz asked the online community,

"What was the worst restaurant experience you have ever had?"
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