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Gourmet dining experience
Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

Sometimes we need a night out or to take a break from our cooking, and it's nice to go to a restaurant.

But from bad food to even worse service, there are details about the dining experience that can ruin the whole night out.

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People Describe The Worst Fast Food Mix-Up They Ever Got In Their Order
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

It is called fast food. It is not called hasty food.

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Restaurant Workers Break Down The Worst Customer They've Ever Dealt With
Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay

Restaurant employees are the true MVPs of the world. It seems like they're dealt with the worst crap when it comes to dealing with customers- not to mention the fact that they have to rely on tips from some not-so-reliable people. Here are some of their stories, to remind you to show extra love to your food service friends.

u/ChipFan111 asked: People who worked in Restaurants, what was the worst customer that you had to deal with?

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Food Industry Workers Share Their Valentine's Day Date Horror Stories
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

If you've never worked in the food service industry, it can be hard to understand exactly how much of a nightmare some days can be. Mother's Day is bad, but Valentine's Day... that's like Black Friday and the DMV and getting your teeth pulled and stepping on a lego all at the same time without any good drugs.

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People Explain Which Restaurants They Refuse To Eat At

The good thing about the 21st Century? Options.

There are options everywhere. For food, there are options to the point that if you don't want to go somewhere, you're under no obligation.

But also in this capitalist 21st century, our business is valuable. And if we share the reasons why we don't eat at certain places, we may persuade a ton of people away from that place too.

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