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Person holding up magnet of Florida
Done By Alex/Unsplash

In all deference to the people of Florida, the Sunshine State is not known for being the ideal place to live.

Aside from being a major tourist destination and an escape from the cold weather months in other parts of the country, the retirement refuge is reputable as being problematic and the butt of a joke for a number of reasons.

But the real kicker is the frequency at which many Florida residents make headlines for unhinged behavior earning them the label of "Florida Man," prompting the rest of the U.S. to shake their heads and remark, "Only in Florida."

Curious to hear about other parts of the world that have a similar reputation, Redditor Ltimbombo asked:

"What is the 'Florida' of Europe?"

These are almost, but not quite, Florida.

The "Crazy Sh*t" Stereotype

"In what sense? Spain's Costa del Sol ticks the 'entitled retiree destination' box but the 'people inexplicably doing crazy sh*t' stereotype firmly belongs to Russia."

– epeeist


"Adam Carolla used to have a segment on his radio show called 'Florida or Germany' where he would read newspaper articles of strange crimes and callers would guess if it took place in Florida or Germany. I thought it was entertaining."

– CurvySmokeShow

It's A Zoo Out There

"As a Florida Man who has found an Alligator in my backyard before (no joke, this is serious) I’d definitely have to say Russia."

– anon

"I’ve had 2 pythons show up in the yard of the house I grew up in, years before it was widely known how invasive they were."

"Never got a gator though."

– Sss00099

Talking Geography

"In that the Ural mountains are the technical dividing line between Europe and Asia, I'll have to go with Western Russia. In particular, you could overlay Florida on top of the part of Russia that spans from Voronezh to Saratov and then down to Volgograd."

– themistergraves

Gotta love some o' the Brits.


"When I was in Barcelona this past June I had the opportunity to witness a young, trashy British couple act as though they were posh. It was then that I realized that the British are the Floridians of Europe."

– mattswa

"Ohhh trashy Brits are on another level, you have to see it to believe it lol."

– YetiPie

Defined By TV Shows

"I was in Dublin last summer, met some Brits from Leeds and they literally asked the Irish guy I was hanging out with if they had the same queen. Then when it came up I was american one of the women shrieked and said 'Young Sheldon’s me favorite tv show' and Jesus Christ I couldn’t help but laugh"

– BureaucraticHotboi

Admittedly Floridian

"Florida is kinda stupid for stupid’s sake. Here in the UK we tell ourselves we are civilised, refined, smart and in control while still doing equally stupid stuff."

– npri0r

Making Up For Size

"Blackpool, England. Admittedly it's on a smaller scale but what it lacks in size, it makes it up in STD rates, welfare distribution and average tooth count."

– DavosLostFingers

"Fun fact! Blackpool is the only city in the uk with the same average lifespan as the US!"

– TinyChairty4151

Feels Like Home

"I went on holiday to Britain, driving the whole island. Some seagulls nicked my chips and my pastie in Blackpool while some guy vomited into a trash can next to me. Same exact thing happened to me in Miami (swap the pastie for a taco). So ya this checks out."

– sothatsathingnow

Meanwhile, over in the Mediterranean...


"It’s probably Greece and specifically Crete. People like to go there for vacation, it’s hot and all the people own guns and are conservative religious madlads."

– SpaceAgeIsLate


"Italy, it's hot, full of tourist, and has a history of going facist."

– weedtrek

"And it's the wang of Europe."

– swash_mcbuckle

Looks like every Floridians are not alone in their tainted reputation thanks to the number of people who had to ruin everything.

But one thing seems certain.

It's doesn't seem to be about what's in the water Floridians drink.

View of a house from next door
Photo by Alvin Engler on Unsplash

When moving into a new home, one never knows what their relationship with their neighbors is going to be.

Some neighbors immediately become fast friends and visit each other every day.

Some aren't necessarily on bad terms, but seldom exchange two words with one another, despite living right next door to one another.

Then there are those who wish their neighbors were quite literally anyone else, feeling they have been saddled with "the crazy neighbor".

Crazy isn't always a bad thing however, as in some cases they simply notice their neighbors partaking in activities they never would themselves, similar to Home Improvement's Wilson W. Wilson Jr.

Some "crazy" neighbors aren't as easy to warm to, however, sometimes going so far as to declare war between houses, often owing to one minor, insignificant detail.

Be they friend or foe, however, one can almost always tell whether or not they're living next to a crazy neighbor in one revelatory moment.

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The Cities People Vow Never To Visit Based On Their Reputation
Photo by Adrian Schwarz on Unsplash

Traveling the globe can be fun.

It's something many people do and should do, if you can afford it.

But there are places we may want to be a little cautious about.

You don't want to give in to gossip, but doing research on geography should be vital.

Otherwise, you'll be saying,

"I'll skip that trip."

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People Explain Which Activities Get Put Down For No Good Reason
Bill Varie/GettyImages

People tend to judge the actions of others but seem to draw a blank when confronted about their perceptions.

A person may not think on the same level as other individuals who behave differently, but that doesn't mean those individuals are lacking in morals or ethics.

Yet, people sure can be critical without explanation. What's their deal?

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Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

It takes next to nothing to ruin a person these days.

When people are a hot mess it's easier to expose nowadays.

Be careful how you act. Because everything you've built, facade or not, can crumble.

Redditor ChadGeraltofRivia wanted to discuss some very important life lessons. They asked:

"Warren Buffet said, 'It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.' What's a real-life example of this?"
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