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Former Christians Explain What Made Them Leave The Church
Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash

Why do people leave the Church?

So many reasons.

It's an important question the Church should look into further.

Attendance has been steadily declining for decades.

Society has evolved on so many issues and behaviors that the Church just seems to stay stagnant.

People aren't going to stay where they don't feel welcome.

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Former Pro-Lifers Explain What Made Them Change Their Minds About Abortion
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Here we are... we could be weeks or minutes away from Roe v Wade being overturned.

And this country is not ready.

This is a war on so many levels.

And the sides are clearly defined.

There are many people who have switched sides.

Let's hear from them...

Redditor Honeydew-Popular wanted to hear from the people out there who now have different ideas about a person's right to choose. They asked:

"Ex-pro-lifers, what changed your mind on abortions?"
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Americans Confess Whether They'd Vote For An Atheist Presidential Candidate
Element5 Digital on Unsplash

When it comes to electing a leader, the choice is an easy one if a potential candidate shares the same values as yours.

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Religious People Explain How They Really View Atheism
Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

The joy of living in a pluralistic society is the ability to practice any religion one so chooses.

What is often forgotten is that this includes not practicing any religion at all.

Making this hard to remember is when American politicians espouse their conservative views owing to "religious reasons", seeming to forget about the first amendment, and unable to understand others who don't practice their own religion.

Others, however, are more tolerant of those who do not have any divine beliefs, however religious they might be themselves.

Redditor _DSYR was curious to hear views on Atheism from people who were devoutly religious themselves, leading them to ask:

"Religious people, how do you view atheism/atheists?"
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Atheists Break Down What They Actually Do Believe In
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

What do you believe?

Is there a GOD in the sky?

Is he guiding us and helping us?

Life is really hard. Why is that is a big entity is up there loving us?

Atheists have taken a lot of heat for what feels like shunning GOD.

What if they've been right all along?

Maybe let's take a listen and see what they really think.

Redditor __Jacob______ wanted to hear from the people who don't really believe all that "God" stuff. They asked:

"Atheists, what do you believe in?"
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