relationship drama

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Divorced People Reveal The Final Straw That Ended Their Marriage

Reddit user glycerne asked: 'People who divorced, what was the final straw for you?'

When we think of two people getting married, we like to imagine it being the first day of their happily ever after story.

But some of these stories don't end happily, because their marriage was just a chapter in their story. And the reasons why these chapters end can be shocking at times.

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There's a lot we don't know about women. Where do they hibernate? How do they keep warm in the winter? When they shed their skin can you make a belt out of it?

Oh, excuse me, I seem to have left open my copy of the Animal Encyclopedia.

There is a bit of a learning curve when you enter into a long-term relationship with a woman, and these men were quick to share their most insightful gains.

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People Break Down The Worst Feelings Of All-Time
Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash

We all have different pain tolerances. One individual's joy is another's joint and back pain. Depends on the threshold, and what we're willing to accept and put up with. Once that level is hit, it becomes a hell you can't escape from.

And the worst part? That pain might come and go, a wave ebbing against you, pushing you.

Some solace you can take is you're not alone in feeling pain.

*The following article contains discussion of sexual assault.

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Men Share The Red Flags Guys Display That People Should Look Out For
Alexandra Mirgheș on Unsplash

We all like different things.

That's what makes being in a relationship so wonderful. We find ourselves attracted to the unique and varied qualities in another person. It's when those qualities turn toxic, leading to miserable days and long nights, that you should probably take a step back and wonder if this relationship is right for you.

Thankfully, the internet and men on the internet the world over are ready to tell you what you should be wary of.

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People Divulge How They Found Out Their Significant Other Was Cheating On Them

Falling in love or merely just dating is an emotional minefield.

Being able to trust someone completely is a superpower.

Because cheaters are everywhere.

Discovering you're being cheated on is the worst.

But also, the best, for you.

When you learn, you can take out the trash.

Redditor rammalammamemedong wanted to hear about the times a significant other betrayed you, so they asked:

"How did you find out your SO was cheating on you?"
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