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People Break Down The Worst Responses To 'I Love You'
Jamie Grill/GettyImages

So, let's say you've been seeing someone exclusively long enough to know you're not interested in pursuing anyone else.

You feel a mutually amorous connection that is undeniable. You work up the courage to finally open up your heart to say those three words you've held off expressing for quite some time.

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People Share The Absolute Worst Possible Ways To Be Rejected
Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay

Facing rejection when asking somebody out is never pleasant. But there's no denying that some people let you down easier than others.

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Single men who are ready to leave their bachelor lives behind and pursue relationships may have one obstacle they're not quite ready to face—rejection.

We often fantasize about dating the person we have a crush on only to have reality slap us in the face after realizing the object of our affections doesn't share the same gushy feelings.

That prohibits most of us from having the courage to ask someone out. Some people's egos are way too fragile.

So how do you encourage someone to throw caution to the wind and take a chance on love? Just tell them to go for it. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?

Apparently, it turns out there are some worst-case scenarios as experienced by these single cisgender males who were turned down and drop-kicked to the curb after asking a girl out.

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Women Who Turned Down A Marriage Proposal Explain How It Impacted Their Lives
Deborah Eilert from Pixabay

Public marriage proposals are such emotional events, even passersby stop what they are doing to applaud the presumably happy couple.

But not all proposals are the romantic milestone everyone expects them to be, especially when "yes" is not the answer.

When a woman ultimately says, "no," the courage it takes for her to turn down a proposal is better in the long run for both people involved.

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Getting rejected can hurt, but it's the sort of thing that happens to everyone and you're going to have a much better time in life if you have a sense of humor about it.

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