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People Break Down Whether A Potential Partner's Politics Are A Dealbreaker

Reddit user duckmysick100 asked: 'How important are your partner’s political views to you? Is it a dealbreaker if they don’t align with your own?'

United States political map
Clay Banks on Unsplash

Twenty years ago, a question about politics and dating might have elicited very different answers.

But a large part of the United States seems to be getting more radicalized and more polarized.

While two decades ago most liberal versus conservative differences in the United States were about government size or spending, now it's about who has a right to exist or have body autonomy.

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Nearly four years ago, I went in for a job interview I was a little skeptical about. It seemed like a good job that would utilize the skills I learned in my previous position, but the pay was much lower than what I had been getting. Still, I went in, hoping the other benefits would outweigh the low salary.

The first thing my interviewer asked me was how much I was making at my previous job.

Be warned that employers are NOT allowed to ask this question. However, I did know that and answered.

The next five minutes consisted of my boss very convincingly and enthusiastically telling me that my previous salary was very high, especially considering what kind of job the previous position was and the fact that it was my first job right out of school.

I took the job and worked at the company for two hateful years. By the time I left and started a different position, I realized something I wish I had known during my interview: my boss's little speech about my high salary was her way of getting me to settle for the low salary her company was offering, instead of negotiating for a better one.

Unfortunately, between some employers being really good at talking their "perks" up and potential employees being new to the workforce, a lot of things that are red flags don't register as red flags at the time.

That can lead to hated jobs with no benefits and little to no new skills learned.

Redditors know this all too well and are eager to share what should be taken as red flags to save the rest of us from this fate.

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Women Explain Which Everyday Male Behaviors Are A Major Turn Off For Them
Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash

Dear Single Men,

Please just ... like ... chill. The gist of this whole article basically boils down to that. I promise.

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People Share Red Flags That Signify Someone Has Terrible Spending Habits

Money management is not a skill everyone has, and when you are actually broke, it can feel like you're constantly playing “bill roulette". Not a good feeling.

The other side however is people who are broke all the time not because they are underpaid, but because they can't seem to get a handle on budgeting. That friend who is constantly upgrading and getting the brand new gadget but needs to borrow money to put gas in the car—this is for you.

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