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A woman flips through a recipe book
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

We've gotten so adventurous with recipes.

That is great, but some things need not be consumed.

Not every ingredient is meant to be mixed!

At least that is the opinion of certain stomachs.

Some chefs need to calm down a bit.

Except for pineapple on pizza.

That is genius!

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People Describe The Weirdest Snacks They Enjoy Making
Luis Cortes on Unsplash

People can get pretty creative when it comes to food, especially snacks.

There's just something about the quick, utilitarian nature of snacking—which often involves whatever you can find around the kitchen—that leads to some really individualism.

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Chefs Share Their Absolute Favorite Ingredients To Use In The Kitchen
Image by Salah Jalal from Pixabay

Trying to replicate that tasty dish you had at a restaurant can prove to be an enormous challenge for the amateur cook.

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Someone Found A Bunch Of Old 'Salad' Recipes That Are Truly Something To Behold
inhauscreative/Getty Images, @lizzieohreally/Twitter

Anyone who grew up in the Midwest or the South knows that a salad can pretty much be anything your heart desires.

No vegetables necessary.

For anyone who might be unfamiliar, a staple at any gathering is the Jello salad, which usually has little bits of fruit or nuts in it, maybe some whipped cream on top, and whatever else you need to get rid of from your fridge.

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A Satirical Onion Article Inspired A Chef To Create Some Easy-To-Make Emergency Treats For Kids
Vstock/Getty Images; @TheOnion/Twitter; @adamliaw/Twitter

It's every parent's fear. You live in dread of the moment your child comes home with weird instructions to complete some absolutely indecipherable ritual.

Honestly, how many class parties and pageant performances can one class have?

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