reality shows

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Tuning in for a reality show
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

We've all seen an episode or two of at least one reality show, and we all vary in how entertained we are by these shows.

We can all understand that these shows are exaggerated for the sake of entertainment, but we have to wonder, what really goes on behind the curtain?

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People Who've Been On Dating Shows Explain What It's Really Like Behind The Scenes
Image by Dim Hou from Pixabay

Dating shows occupy such a strange space in the broad array of television. On one hand, everyone lampoons them as fake, drama-obsessed monstrosities that are a waste of time.

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People Who Were On A Reality Show As Children Describe What The Experience Was Really Like
Photo by Billy Freeman on Unsplash

Reality shows are extremely popular because it is an ultimate form of voyeurism.

Whether it's on a competition or a home makeover show, pleasure is derived from watching real-life people respond dramatically to inconsequential situations.

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