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Man reading book in nature
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Everyone has their own opinion about what qualifies as a good read, whether based on literary merit or the joy of reading it.

But there are some titles that people can pretty easily agree took a turn that really didn't do the book any favors.

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Library Goes Viral After Calling Out Patron For Using A Slice Of Cheese As A Bookmark
Westend61/Getty Images, Igor Golovniov/EyeEm/Getty Images

A library in England recently found a strange surprise in one of their books.

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What would Harry do? Who would Harry be? What wold be his "normal" profession? Maybe one day we'll find out. At the moment J.K. Rowling doesn't seem interested in continuing Harry's story. So fans are left to ponder mere "what ifs." And the Potter fanatics are definitely creative about what Harry would face in life.

Redditor u/squasharito wanted to hear from all the "Potterheads" about what could be the next chapter in the mystical lexicon by asking.... Harry Potter is nearing middle age, and wizard or not, has to deal with the banalities of adulthood, what are the names of some of his later books?

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It's often been said to write down your feelings and your thoughts. Putting pen to paper can free you of life's emotional strongholds. It's always surprising to discover the freedom one finds when telling their story in a form of third person. You can feel the pain but it can't hurt you. Every once and awhile a simple homework assignment can turn into the vigorous waving of a red flag. And once that flag is flown the teacher tends to become the therapist. Educators really should be getting dual checks.

Redditor u/MyNameAlexUgh wanted to know from English teachers about warning signs in the work of their students by asking.... English teachers of Reddit, what is the most disturbing story/assessment a student has ever submitted?

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It's always a fun idea when we look at our favorite worlds of entertainment fantasy and wonder.... what if all of our favorite characters could somehow interact. How cool would that be? Or maybe at the very least the beloved scribes fashioning the stories could take a strike in a different make believe world. One writer I believe anyone would let run amok in any world, reality or fantasy would be literary Queen, Ms. J.K. Rowling. Can you imagine?

Redditor u/bogblocker wanted to discuss a possibility that many Potterheads would need Xanax to discuss by asking.... If Marvel's superheroes were made by J.K. Rowling, what unnecessary characteristic would she had given them?

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