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People Describe Their Craziest 'One In A Million' Experiences
Photo by Olga Kononenko on Unsplash

There are several things we think, for better or worse, will likely never happen to us.

Sometimes, they might be things we wish, even pray, will happen, such as winning the lottery or marrying a royal.

Then there are the things we are grateful for that the chances of them actually happening to us are slim to none, such as a rare, terminal illness, or being struck by lightning.

Unlikely as these experiences are, they do indeed happen to people.

Such as the extraordinary case of Australian Bill Morgan, who in 1993 came back to life after being legally dead on the operating table, and went on to win the lottery not once, but twice!

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People Reveal Which Things That Seem Extremely Common But Are Actually Very Rare

Our perceptions rule our lives. The way we perceive the world around us affects all of the decisions we make. Sometimes these perceptions can lead us a bit astray, though.

We tend to think that things we hear about or encounter frequently are common, but many things are quite a bit rarer than we think.

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This Beautiful Black Emperor Penguin May Be The Only One Of Its Kind

Everyone knows Emperor penguins.

There was that hit documentary film narrated by Morgan Freeman, Non-stop Penguin Carnage.

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An Ultra Rare Copy of NES’s Super Mario Just Sold for Six Figures
World of Longplays/YouTube

Even though what you're about to read might compel you to run straight for wherever you keep your excess storage to dig out your copy of Super Mario for NES so you can have die-hard fans fight tooth and nail for it at auction, there's a catch.

There's always a catch.

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