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Former Racists Explain What Made Them Change Their Opinion
Sushil Nash on Unsplash

People change.

That is one of the beauties of the human condition.

And sometimes we as humans change from something truly horrible.

It takes a lot of strength and courage to own up the past.

But there is hope.

People are learning and growing.

And some people came to reddit to explain how they did it.

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People Share Which Strange Cults Are Still Active Today
Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

We like to think we've risen above the susceptibility for cults. We think we've seen enough documentaries, listened to enough podcasts, and heard enough horror stories about the broken lives and shattered families they leave in their wake, all in service of making some people at the top a little richer and a smidgen more powerful.

Then why are so man of them still around?

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Americans Explain What The Confederate Flag Means To Them Personally

You might have heard that the Confederate flag is merely an acknowledgment of family and heritage, or of states rights. But these claims amount to a gross simplification of the horrors that were commited in the South during the era of human slavery.

Thanks to educational efforts, many people are aware of the flag's legacy and what it means for the descendants of the formerly enslaved population.

But there are still others who fly it and defend it. The flag was prominently displayed a year ago, during the storming of the United States Capitol amid a nationwide discussion about racial justice and reconciliation.

Naturally, the flag inspires many opinions.

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Racism has unfortunately been a part of the fabric of our United States history and some Americans have recently become more emboldened to reveal their bigotry.

But among them, there have been instances of prejudiced individuals who turned a corner and dispensed with their hatred towards people based on their skin color or ethnicity.

These people eventually realized in the grand scheme of things as a part of humanity, we are not all that different.

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Racism is terrible, there's no room for debate on that. But sometimes terrible things can also be terribly weird.

Today we're going to talk about instances of racism that left the victim confused more than hurt. Because, apparently, some people need to be told that Asian women are allowed to be named Lisa.

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