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I’m not going to lie: working is hard. And I probably didn’t need to lie. We all know this is true.

But I don’t just mean the act of working is hard. I mean the concept of working is hard.

There are some jobs that are a joy. I currently work at a job where the office is beautiful, my managers are understanding, my co-workers are friendly, and my actual daily tasks are enjoyable. There are also some jobs that aren’t as much of a joy, but they help you pay the bills and put food on your table, and they’re not so terrible that you can’t endure it (read: my previous job).

However, there are some jobs that are so ridiculous, or even downright harmful, that you know on your very first day, you can’t ever go back. So you quit on the spot.

We know how tough the job market is and how, sometimes, it takes months for a person to find a job. For a person to quit on their first day, the situation they were put in has to be unbearable.

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You know it's not a great place to work when employees band together to walk out. Literally.

Unions were basically created for this reason, by having the working people band together to fight against being mistreated by corporations, they create power in numbers. Even without a formal union, there is still power in numbers--no company wants to be tasked with explaining themselves like that.

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People Who Quit On The Spot Reveal What They Left Their Boss To Handle

Suffering through a bad job certainly isn't ideal, but may people don't have much of a choice.

Sometimes things just reach the boiling point and someone decides that they've definitely had more than enough, though.

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