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Woman scratching head
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Everyone has insecurities.

Be it speaking in public, wearing beach attire, or even one's profession, very few people don't have at least one topic of conversation that is bound to make them red in the face.

Some people are pretty adept at hiding their discomfort and can manage to persevere through their phobias with their dignity intact.

Others are not so lucky and often go to great lengths to hide their insecurities, only to make them even more apparent.

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close-up of child's blue shirt with "Love who you are" written on it
Alexander Grey/Unsplash

All of us respectively have different personality traits, quirks, and other idiosyncracies that make us special.

Whether it's a talent or a knack for doing things that not everyone can accomplish with panache, the thing that makes us unique as individuals certainly makes life interesting.

But there are some things about ourselves that, no matter how you matter-of-factly present them to others, come off as complete fiction.

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small school children with backpacks in Japan
note thanun on Unsplash

In one of the more memorable scenes of Crocodile Dundee, Mick "Crocodile" Dundee is perplexed by the discovery of a bidet in his New York hotel bathroom.

Since the film's 1986 release, bidets have become less and less common in America.

But young Americans traveling through Europe will likely find bidets in most hotel bathrooms, and react with the same confusion as good old Dundee.

One could almost say that one of the best parts of traveling abroad or expatriating is making discoveries about items, traditions or foods which are common in some countries, but would seem more than a little bizarre back in the US.

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People Share The Pettiest Opinion Hill They're Willing To Die On
Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

We all have an opinion on how things should be done, as well as little ticks get on our nerves, if not outright make our skin crawl.

When someone doesn't agree with this opinion or exhibits the exact behavior which makes us tick, it's usually easy enough to let bygones be bygones, and get over it.

Of course, there are extreme exceptions to this, and sometimes we simply find ourselves unable to accept someone else's different opinion, and will not tolerate when people do certain things.

No matter how petty others may find it.

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People Confess Which Things They Hate About Their Partner But Can't Tell Them

The people involved in relationships have their respective quirks.

Some may think their significant other's idiosyncracies are adorkable, while others are indifferent.

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