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Young people jumping
Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

When talking to a friend who brings up one of our favorite books, celebrities, or tv shows, we often find ourselves saying we're "obsessed".

Our excitement is often met with a sneer from our friend, but we don't give it much thought.

Owing to the fact that even if they're better at containing their excitement than we are, deep down everyone has an obsession of some sort.

Naturally, it's not particularly healthy to be "obsessed" with anything, as nothing should take up the majority of our time.

Even so, if one were to take a very close look at society as a whole, we might find that just about everyone has an unhealthy obsession they just can't break.

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People Describe The Strangest Things About Their Body
Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Human bodies are weird, man. And at times, they're completely unexplainable. Like, I can link my arms and bring them around my body all the way, without letting go. Don't ask me how I figured it out, but weird, right?!

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People Describe Their Absolute Favorite Thing Their Significant Other Does
Image by Karen Warfel from Pixabay

Finally finding the love of your life to settle down with after experiencing one disappointing date after another is pure bliss.

But it's what comes after the initial attraction that makes your soulmate one to stick around for.

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People Break Down The Most Interesting Quirks About Their Native Language
Image by MonikaP from Pixabay

Observing one's own native language is a little like looking at your own eye.

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People Describe Which Things They Thought Were Totally Normal Until Someone Pointed Out They Weren't
Image by Candid_Shots from Pixabay

Our minor quirks and mindless tendencies are as old as us.

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