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I've always enjoyed jobs sans creepy side effects.

Work can be hard enough.

Besides, I've waited too many tables to deal with anymore drama.

Isolated jobs are always spotlighted on true crime shows.

Give me some light and an annoying group of tourists.

Or shall we say... witnesses.

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People Who Were Considered The 'Weird' Kid In School Share Their Side Of The Story
Anemone123 from Pixabay

Children and adolescents are often completely inept at socializing responsibly.

Unfortunately, certain traits were rewarded and others were not. For example, it's easy to interpret loud energy as confidence and humor.

But some kids just didn't have loudness in them.

But in that high school ecosystem, that's no mere attribute.

It's grounds for ridicule.

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Every town's history is riddled with lies and tall tales. A Nightmare on Elm Street might be just a fictional horror story, but a portion of it is rooted in fact. All those parents held close to the vest the fact that they killed Freddy and years later the children paid for it. Every small town has the same issue. Secrets are always buried. Everyone should discuss these matters before Dateline NBC arrives.

Redditor u/The_StoryTeller_Am wanted to know all about the darkness many towns keep quiet about my asking.... what is your towns dark secret?
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Introverts Divulge How They Met Their Significant Others
Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

Being vulnerable feels like it should be declared a superpower. It is not easy to expose your feelings to another. Especially if that other has captured your heart. Telling someone how you feel about them is a daunting task for even an eccentric, gregarious person. Imagine how it feels for the shy type? But fear not, often love prevails.

Redditor u/swisscheesefanboy wanted all the timid kids to shout out by asking.... Introverted Shy Guys, How did you meet your girlfriend?
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Doing good deeds is often a selfless act. It's a golden rule... go through life doing good and your best and expect nothing in return. It's generous way to be, and often the reward is in witnessing the fruits of it's intentions, but every once and awhile it's ok to admit, a little recognition would be warming or just the thought of receiving recognition. We're all human, a pat on the back goes a long way.

Redditor u/David00001729 wanted hear from everyone who has been slighted for a good deed or two by asking.... What is the biggest thing you did but never got recognized for?
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