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A couple holds hands on a date, candlelit table and two glasses of red wine
Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

When in the beginning stages of dating, it's important to know as much as humanly possible.

The element of surprise is no longer a fun aspect of romance.

Ask the small questions. Ask the hard questions.

Interrogate. Grill. Investigate.

Of course, you should do it with a subtle hand instead of an interrogation lamp.

The truth is all we have.

Ask everything.

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People Break Down The Most Uncomfortable Questions Someone Can Ask
Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

People really need to think first.

Some questions, no matter how innocent, are not appropriate.

But the people with the questions never seem to care, so the gravity of the question is always on the person questioned.

Most people shake it off and just deal with the unease.

But maybe it's time to chat about what makes a good conversation.

So many times I know my face has said...

"Did you really just ask that?"

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There is so much to learn about one another.

But we never ask.

It's all too embarrassing for most.

It's why most teens tune out Health class.

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People Divulge Which Questions They'd Like To Ask Trans People Without Judgment
Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash

Humans are naturally curious creatures - it's a primate thing.

As kids, we tend to explore those curiosities and ask whatever random question popped into our heads. As adults, we learn that some stuff just isn't our business. Some questions are intrusive or uncomfortable.

We don't necessarily "mature" beyond ever having an inappropriate or intrusive curious thought. We are just mature enough to know we aren't entitled to those answers, and that it's unfair to make someone uncomfortable by asking those questions.

But then there's Reddit...

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People Divulge The Most Awkward Question They've Ever Been Asked
Ayo Ogunseinde/Unsplash

I once had a man at a party very assertively tell me exactly what he wanted to do to me before my facial expression (I'm guessing absolute disgust) made him pause and awkwardly ask:

"Wait... how old are you?"

I was twelve. Turned out he was one of my dad's friends.

It was ... icky.

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