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People Break Down The Biggest Unsolved Mysteries In Human History
Photo by Heather Wilde on Unsplash

History is full of mystery.

There are things we may never know.

That is true, but some answers have to be possible.

Are we looking hard enough?

Humans have murdered, robbed, and pillaged their way all over the Earth.

We've left a trail of unknown scattered throughout time.

This is why history is so fascinating.

There will always be new and obscure topics for documentaries.

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People Share The Questions They're Too Embarrassed To Ask The LGBTQ+ Community
Photo by Sara Rampazzo on Unsplash

It's PRIDE month. It's time to be loud and proud.

Well, every minute of everyday we should be loud and proud.

But this month gives you an extra special buzz.

So in the spirit of learning, we will be taking questions from the class.

I know cisgender straight people still have a lot they don't understand.

What do you need to know?

Redditor hre_nft wanted everyone to feel comfortable enough to be as aloud what they've been waiting to ask a queer person. Safe space for all. They asked:

"What question have you always wanted to ask LGBTQ+ people but didn’t because you don’t want to offend them?"
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People Break Down The Questions That No One Should Ever Ask
Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

I get we're a naturally curious species but if you think about it...

you can understand why curiosity killed that cat.

There are some wonderings just best left to the imagination.

But that of course won't stop some... well, most.

Redditor Chin_Chillin1213 wanted to hear about the inquiries that need not be spoken of. They asked:

"What’s a question we should never ask?"
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A first date is exciting. But it can also be highly unnerving.

You just want it to go so well.

So what do you wear?

What do say?

How little do eat and how much do you drink?

But that ice breaker is important. And the dialogue is imperative.

So what do we talk about?

Inform me...

Redditor AspirinDontWorkOnMe wanted to discuss the best beginners for small talk when on an early romantic excursion. They asked:

"What are some good questions to ask on a first date?"
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It's time to talk truth.

Humans seem to do all we can to avoid that word.

Nobody wants to be embarrassed or feel weird.

But if we don't ask the hard questions to get to the truth (with finesse) we're just running on assumptions.

And assumptions are the enemy, especially in relationships.

But what a world of difference it would be if you just had a respectful conversation about all the things.

Let's try...

Redditor Batman_1267 wanted all of the men out there to share some things they've been dying to talk about, they asked:

"Men of reddit, what's something you've always wanted to ask a woman but thought it would be too embarrassing to ask them?"
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